Steam offers a catalog of Linux games, many of which support Steam Play so you can buy once and play anywhere, and Cross-Platform Multiplayer so you can play with all your friends, no matter where they log in. Sweet!
So now that Steam is available for Linux it does not always work for your favorite distribution because it seems they are catering mostly to Ubuntu right now. Thats not to say openSUSE hasn't done any work here. Our community has built a package which will work quite fine. Here are the instructions to help you get started.
1. We need to subscribe to the repository for Steam. (we do have repositories for other distributions as well take a look at hose here )
# zypper ar openSUSE_12.3_Games2. Lets install Steam
# zypper in steam3. Now its time to execute it. From konsole (or shell of your choice) we can now execute the following:
# steamIt will now start downloading some bundles and install them. Once finished it will start steam.
4. Your probably wondering at this point how you get your sound to work in the games. In order to do that you will need to start steam with the following variable.
# SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa steamsetting it to alsa will do the trick. Hope this helps.